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The Best Irc Client For Mac

Connecting to IRC on a Mac!
  • Jul 04, 2017.
  • Do you like to chat on IRC? Want to be told to ‘rtfm’ when you ask a question in #linux? Then irssi is for you, because it’s arguably the best irc client for the command line (or perhaps in general, sorry ircii, mirc, and ircle). Brew install irssi /join away!
  • Textual and Lingo I've used Textual for quite a while, and just noticed folks talk about Lingo (which is free in the Mac App Store). Lingo just submitted for a huge upgrade to 2.0 three days ago, it'll pop up soon.
  • Apple Mail, also known simply as the Mail app, is the default email client on macOS.

https://site-3979131-1429-6884.mystrikingly.com/blog/pamper-casino-login. Title song of buddha tv serial. WinIRC is a lightweight, fast IRC client for Windows 10. Spotify music converter for mac crack. It's designed to allow you to chat on IRC easily, whether you're on a phone, a tablet or a desktop. Free internet black jack. https://zaogbs.over-blog.com/2021/02/flux-6-0-13-advanced-web-design-tool.html. WinIRC has a number of great features that make chatting on irc easier, including: - Inline media viewing: Images, youtube videos and tweets can be viewed inline without leaving the client!

Even though most HOL stuff says that Snak is the best client for IRC on a mac, it costs money. Thus, I really do not recommend it! In fact, I have two other clients that I prefer for different reasons.

The first IRC client I prefer for Macs would be Colloquy. Colloquy is pretty simple to get onto! To begin, you can go to
http://colloquy.info/downloads.html to download the actual IRC client. After you install it to your computer it should instantly pop up on your desktop (or where ever your downloads end up.) Just double click to open!
The Best Irc Client For Mac

When you double click, two little boxes will pop up. One of the boxes will say 'New Connection' and the other just says 'Connections.' In New Connection, type in the nickname you want to have. Remember, as a new member to HOL, its best to use your HOL name. For example, I would use AdelieneCromwell, or AdelieneC. Leave the Sever Protocol alone! In Chat Sever type in irc.blitzed.org. Check remember this connection, and the arrow next to details.

Again, leave the proxy and Chat Sever Port alone. Change User name to the nickname again, and your Real Name to your HOL Name (with a space!)

Hit the + below Join Rooms and add #hol to it. Now click Connect!

Best Irc Client For Mac

After you connect, there is more stuff you can put together. Thankfully most of the commands are at the same as in the mIRC article. Thus, to deal with basic commands, NickServ and ChanServ, scroll up! Colloquy also has some other things to help. On the connection window, you will see an info button.

Best Irc Client

Here, you can add your nickserv password (so you don't have to type in your password every time), Alt. Nickname (in case you tend to loose internet often, just another nickname you will come in on.) Under Automatics you can add other rooms to autojoin, such as #ravenclaw. You can also set it so that you will automatically connect when you open Colloquy!

Mmmk, now to do all the extra stuff. If you go up to the top of the screen, and click on Colloquy, scroll down, and you will see Preferences. Here you can set up all the extra frills.

-Keep 'Connection Nickname' for 'Your Name in Chat.'
-Create a quit message, a cute little quote or saying for when you leave!
Interface: (I would recommend not messing with this until you have been on colloquy for awhile. Bug me then to explain once you have been around a bit!)

-Self explanatory- Colloquy has different ways of looking. I tend to leave mine in a Bland style, but I know Rosa would hate that!
-If you mess with appearances, there is a chance you have to quit colloquy and reopen it to see some of the changes.
-If you are going to eventually want colors, keep 'Retain colors & formatting after sending' checked. (Ill get to colors in a moment!)

-Any words typed in 'Highlight words' will make a sound when they are said. All you have to do is type the words you want to make a noise for you, such as for me: Adeliene Addie Cromwell- with just a space, no comma!
-Chat Events is pretty self explanatory. Have fun exploring the sounds and options!

- are the same as DCC sending. Take precautions with these please!
-this is where to set up everything for if you want to keep logs for future references, or future giggles!

Getting Colors:
-to get colors, click on Font -> show colors. You should be prompt with a familiar screen of font colors. Please remember:
-not all colors will work on IRC. They may come out looking much different. this is because IRC tends to follow a mIRC color base. Experiment some, NOT in a public room!
-You do have to choose the colors each time you log on, for each room. Thus, most colloquy people just ignore colors. XD

That's pretty much it! The only last thing I can think of is that Colloquy is pretty cool would be the itunes commands.
/itunes shows what song you are listening to
/itunes previous goes back a song
/itunes next goes forward
/itunes stop.I think you get the picture XD
Any other questions, or a better IRC client for botting, please feel free to send me an email, or find me on IRC. I am always willing to help.

The Best Irc Client For Mac
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